
BSI Cell Phone Policy

Dear Parents/Guardians, In alignment with the recently introduced Ministry of Education policy memorandum, the Provincial...

BSI School Start Information

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the 2024-2025  school year here...

Welcome Prayer for our BSI Community

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, September  3, 2024, which is the first...

2024-2029 Long Term Accommodation Plan

We would like your input on the Draft 2024-2029 Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) as...

BSI Safe Arrival & Dismissal

A sharing of information to support the safe arrival/dismissal of our students. End of School...
York Catholic to accept registrations for elementary students during the summer

York Catholic to accept registrations for elementary students during the summer

Elementary Student Registrations The York Catholic District School Board, which is one of the top-performing...